In Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang) between the years 2006-2010, had proposed the construction and development of the rice fields and tourist village in Sukabumi. This proposal has the impression too soar to be realized if the light of that development always dwell on the provision of physical things alone. In fact, this proposal for nearly four years at all - let alone get into the priority-just to get into a row of a number of other physical development was not at all ever. This proposal is still losing trend by the proposed construction and renovation of hundreds alley with a length of only 50 meters.

If it is true to say too soar, because the concept of the proposed construction and development fields need the clarity of this tour and our perspective on the concepts of development in this country. Our minds, the people in these countries to-three, still the mind set that it should be the construction of massive, visible, measurable and can be easily calculated and soon finished. Meanwhile, the rice fields and village tourism development requires the exploration of the values ​​contained in the society, so that the rice fields and village tourism can be created in accordance with the conditions, socio-cultural community.

In fact, the proposal is still losing soar by some concept of development in this country that has skyrocketed impression such as the development of public welfare, family planning (FP), and educational development. That is, the concept of rice paddies and village tourism development can be realized if a good determination of the government and society has really touched the realm of holistic concept of development.

One of the background field of the proposed development and how the tourist village is in an era when the world has entered a space called the Global Village, the direction of development will follow the current trends that are flooding the global flow of life. Agricultural lands will slowly eroded by providing buildings, shops, housing, and even shopping centers of the large mega to the mini-market store. This is a threat not a latent but permanent and concrete threat to food security in the country. If the rice fields were left rattled by the presence of the building will be much smaller agricultural production; rice.

The majority of us do not realize this progress if the invasion is one threat to the survival of humans as well because we really enjoy what has been generated by the developments in this teknomasia era. People will be happy to enter a mall, whether it's shopping or just a walk instead of having to walk on the rice field. Thus, a major threat is over is not perceived by the majority of us. In essence, convenience has become the reason for the existence of a mini mall and market will be more readily accepted than we proposed a concept of development to save the fate of paddy acreage and land in the township residents.

Tourist village development was motivated by the great cultural invasion from across the world to attack the narrow spaces of community life. Admittedly, social and cultural theory of evolution is denied by the all-out, but in practice the belief that all life is accepted by the field. Projection of our minds heritage eroded by what has been created by the progress of time. Can not be fooled, furnaces and permanently pot was defeated by the gas stove and magic-com.

If we do not address the concept of development as a whole and flavored by our efforts to save what has been handed down by ancestors, grandparents, and our parents. In the future, concerns about the loss of agricultural land, the erosion of the nation's culture, it will not be a concern anymore but it would be a case that it has been missing in our lives. Then we will remember the past, that in this country have experienced a a period in which rice, rice, and cotton could support the community. []
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